Monday, September 30, 2013

Technology and Disney: Good or Bad?

I found the article "Disney's 'Little Mermaid Second Screen Live' adds iPad twist" to be extremely interesting. In summary, the article discusses how Disney created an app on the iPad which allows for a more interactive movie experience with the Little Mermaid. Children can use the app during the movie to sing along, play games, and even interact with other children. The issue at hand is that this style of movie watching goes completely against the norm.

I believe that because technology has become so mobile and accessible these days, culture will change as well. Watching a movie in a more interactive way may become more common in the future. The reason I am not against this idea, is because as a society we must accept change. When I was younger I would never carry around an iPad and play games on it; I would have a small plastic toy. Through the improvements of technology, everyday life has changed, and so will movie watching one day. For example, people used to gather on large empty fields and watch a movie outside on a large screen. Now, people can search a movie online and multiple links to watch it online will pop up. 

However, because this is still a developing change, I do not believe this gives the right for people to take out their phone and have a conversation while in the movie theater. Since Disney promoted this special interactive way of movie watching it is okay, as long as parents make it clear to their kids that they can only take out their iPads during certain movie watchings. 

In the future, I believe this innovative idea of an interactive movie experience may become more popular, but I do not think that means the classic film watching setting of no talking, cell phones, etc. will diminish. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I was scrolling through a buzzfeed link when I found this photo. I thought it would be a perfect transition into The Little Mermaid.  That pug really looks like Ariel!

Here's the link to the buzzfeed if anyone wants to check it out! It's adorable!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Timeflies Under the Sea

Two of my favorite people Cal and Rez, also known as Timeflies, took out a steel drum and did an amazing mix of Under The Sea a couple years ago. Timeflies did a great job at changing up the classical Disney tune and turning it into a catchy new song. I've been a huge fan of them for a while now and this song is definitely one of my favorites!